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My 21 Days as a Vegetarian

If you could change your longevity and long-term health, what sacrifices would you begin making today? This was the question I began asking myself the past few years as several close family members and friends of mine died from cancer, heart disease and other illnesses. Yes, there are unfortunate car accidents and other ways that we could die, but I believe there are also ways that we can not only improve our health long-term but also improve our daily living and energy levels.

So, I decided to begin 2017 with a new mindset--does the food I put into my mouth improve or worsen my overall health, mood and lifestyle? Last year, I saw a fascinating television series called The Island Where People Forget to Die by CNN's news correspondent Bill Weir. He traveled to a Greek Island called Ikaria where the average person lives over 100 years. What was their secret? They ate mainly an organic, plant-based diet with at least one cup of greens a day, a half-cup of raw olive oil a day, lots of other fresh fruits and vegetables, small portions of fish or poultry and occasionally a small portion of red meat (lamb or goat) for a party or event. Along with these food choices, they also had a small glass of homemade red wine each day with a meal. (They did not over do it though with the wine because that has adverse effects on your health.)

With this in mind, I began to think about what I could begin incorporating into my daily routine to bring more fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods into my diet. So, I decided to begin the new year with 21-Days as a Vegetarian to first (1) cleanse my body of toxins, (2) give my liver and kidneys a rest from having to filter processed food and dense proteins, and (3) boost my immune system with extra vitamins, especially during flu and cold season.

New Year's resolutions are very hard to keep because I think we set our expectations too high that at the first deviation from the plan we feel defeated and give up, but I encourage you to look at this journey of exploring the vegetarian lifestyle not as a "diet" but as a way to add more good things to our lives! Life is all about moderation and making small choices that will have big, lasting effects. Join me on this fun food journey as I find the most delicious, easy-to-make vegetarian recipes and share the struggles or blessings of this particular health lifestyle.

What's the vegetarian lifestyle? There are several different types of vegetarian lifestyles, but I'm choosing to do the Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet that excludes meat, fish and poultry, but allows dairy products and eggs.

Here's what's on the menu for DAY 1:


Wake-up with a full glass of water each day!

Cage Free Scrambled Eggs with Sourdough Toast (lowest glycemic index bread) and Earth Balance Butter

Cup of Coffee with Almond Milk


Roasted, Unsalted Cashews & Small Honey-crisp Apple

Glass of water


Bowl of Lentil Soup

Small Romaine Salad with Half of an Avocado, Sprinkled Goat Cheese, Salt, Pepper, Raw Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar

Glass of Water


Glass of Water


Glass of Water


*Make sure to take all sodas (regular and diet) out of your meal plan along with any other drinks that have added sugar like sports drinks, juices from concentrate or sugary coffee drinks. This will help with the detoxification.

Here's a moral boost for us all because our moods may change with the change of diet and chemical makeup inside our bodies.

Proverb of the Day:

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." Proverbs 4:23 NLT

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