Beyond My Fears
“The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.” Psalm 118:6
What makes your afraid? Is it the thought of losing your family, friends or a loved one? Is it maybe the thought of being alone or bullied? Or do you quake at the thought of the unknown and what life may bring in the future?
There’s a lot to be afraid of in this life. In fact, the majority of people fear these three things most: (1) Rejection, (2) Uncertainty and being left alone, and (3) Being the target (bullied). These categories are not new to the human race. In fact, King David experienced all three of these things from his own brothers and went on to experience them countlessly when he was being hunted by the jealous King Saul and even during his days as the ruling king. David faced lions and bears as a shepherd, giants and angry kings, and he even faced his greatest fear of failing God at times. But in the midst of all his fears, David remembered that his fears did not have to rule his heart and that he could find comfort and peace in the God who created everything and knew everything he needed all the time.
Similarly, Jesus also experienced these three fearful things—rejection, uncertainty and being left alone, and being the target of others’ hatred and mockery. Jesus was continually faced with uncertainties and eventually with the terrifying reality of his own death on the cross, but He prayed to His Heavenly Father for strength to carry through the purpose and mission that He was given on this earth. God gave Jesus the strength to go beyond His fears to conquer evil and even conquer the grave. The same Holy Spirit that lives in Jesus also lives in each person who accepts Him as their Savior and surrenders their life to live for Him. When we choose Jesus to stand in the battle with us and pray for Him to go before us, then we will not shrink in fear of rejection, uncertainty or bullying. We can proudly declare: “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” (Psalm 26:3)
What are your greatest fears?
How have you overcome fears in your past?
How will you overcome fears in your future?