Distractions - Part I
My 4-year-old son had his first soccer practice a week ago. My husband and I stood on the sidelines watching the group of pre-K boys...
Inadequate & Disappointed
Do you ever have those days where you feel like everything that could go wrong does go wrong? And those days where you feel horribly and...
Joy in the Waiting
I felt jealousy and envy ooze into my heart as I sat entranced by the little screen in my hand. Though I loathe the feelings of darkness...
Find Rest
Rest. It's a wonderful thing and yet so hard to come by. Talk to any adult and one of the things they desire most is to have a day off or...
Where is your Nineveh?
There's a story in the Bible about a guy named Jonah. He loved God and served Him faithfully, but one day God told him to go to a city...
Inconvenienced by God
There was a man who had been tormented by demons most of his life. Maybe he had been the victim of physical or sexual abuse as a child....
A New Chapter
Life never goes as we planned. That was a hard lesson for me to learn as a child and is still a hard lesson for me to learn as an adult....
Top 20 Immune Boosting Foods
So, whether you're sick like me with your tenth cold this season or you're just wanting to steer clear of all those germs, here are some...
Your Mirror Valentine
The mirror. Each day we look at a piece of glass. It may bring a smile to our face or, more times than not, it may bring a frown. Many of...
Nothing is impossible!
#nothingisimpossible #audreyhepburn #inspiration #dailyinspiration #themodernfemale #jennifercapunitan #blog #blogger #mom #women #female...