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Your Mirror Valentine

The mirror. Each day we look at a piece of glass. It may bring a smile to our face or, more times than not, it may bring a frown. Many of us as females, study the mirror as if it's the most important study guide we will ever read, but does all that studying actually improve how we feel about ourselves? Does it really make us happier? Do we have a higher expectation for the person we see in the mirror than the other people around us?

Our world places so much emphasis on appearance, anti-aging remedies and grasping for the beauty of youth that quickly slips through our fingers. None of us stay the same. But even as our youthful faces grow older, there is something inside us that can grow younger--our love and appreciation for the person we have grown to be!

So, whether we're married, single, divorced or recently gone on our tenth online date, the most important valentine we will receive this February is from the person staring at us in the mirror. If we can't learn to love ourselves with grace as we grow older, then we will never be able to embrace another human being with that same level of grace, love and appreciation.

Instead of criticizing ourselves this Valentine's Day on how much weight we need to lose, how many wrinkles run across our forehead or how many gray hairs are hiding in our roots, let's say these beautiful phrases of encouragement to ourselves each day in the mirror.

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