Your Mirror Valentine
The mirror. Each day we look at a piece of glass. It may bring a smile to our face or, more times than not, it may bring a frown. Many of...
Glow this Holiday Season!
Last week, I shared in the post "Does your makeup need a makeover?" about how much we need to be mindful of our makeup products, their...
At Home Teeth Whitening for Coffee Addicts
Ever since I became a coffee addict at age sixteen, I have constantly struggled with removing coffee stains from my teeth. I've tried...
Christmas Giveaway DAY #8
Christmas Giveaway DAY #8 NECKLACE by Reyna Elizabeth Designs & NAIL POLISHES by The Beauty Board *SUBSCRIBE on our site by 9pm EST to...
Why choose organic beauty products?
The term "organic" has become a hot buzz word over the past ten years with grocery stores lining shelves with over-priced products that...
Marks of Love
I have wrinkles, freckles and dark circles. I can choose to see them as blemishes or marks of beauty, wisdom and endless hours of love...