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Home Remedies for Sinus Infections & Colds

My family had a wonderful Christmas, but unfortunately, we rang in the New Year with a BANG! Our household got hit blindside with sinus infections and colds that made our New Year's celebrations and the following week more like a lament than a liberation.

So, I decided to do further research and discovered many more home remedies for sinus infections and colds that will help all of us stay a bit healthier this winter.

1. Ginger

Besides it's fragrant, strong taste that can be added to Asian dishes or to baking recipes, ginger has very powerful healing elements. Just a few slices of fresh ginger roots added to a cup of hot water can soothe a sore throat and help speed up the healing process for a cold or sinus infection. I like to add a teaspoon of honey to it along with a little lemon juice. For more info, read here.

2. Chicken Soup

Though some people may think it's a myth, chicken soup is good for the body and quite possibly even the soul. Researchers have found that chicken soup can actually help slow the neutrophils in your body, which are a common type of white blood cell. When the neutrophils are slowed down they stay more concentrated in areas of the body that need healing. For more info, read here.

3. Honey

Honey has a variety of antibacterial and antimicrobial elements that make it one of the best healing agents for a cough and sore throat. Added to hot water or hot tea, honey and lemon combined have been a proven home remedy for sore throats and coughs. There have also been studies done showing that honey can be a great bacteria-fighting agent for children, but make sure to never give honey to a child under the age of 1 because honey often contains botulinum spores that infant's bodies cannot fight off. For more info, read here.

4. Garlic

Garlic contains the compound allicin, which may have antimicrobial properties. Adding a garlic supplement to your diet might reduce the severity of cold symptoms. It might even help you avoid getting sick in the first place. For more information, read here.

5. Echinacea

Echinacea has active ingredients that include flavonoids, chemicals that have many therapeutic effects on the body. For example, flavonoids can help boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. This amazing herb has been used by Native Americans for over 400 years to treat illnesses and diseases. For more information, read here.

6. Probiotics

Yogurt is not only a yummy snack it's also a great source of calcium and pumps good, disease-fighting bacteria into the body. Probiotics are “friendly” bacteria and yeast that are found in your body, some foods, and supplements. They may help keep your gut and immune system healthy. Read more!

7. Salt Water

It may not taste so great, but gargling with salt water may help prevent upper respiratory infections. It may also decrease the severity of cold symptoms. For example, it may help ease sore throat pain and nasal congestion. Read more!

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