I hit my breaking point yesterday. I was in a grocery store with my 20-month-old son wasting time while my husband got a haircut next door at a salon, and out-of-the-blue my son screams the highest pitched decibel I have ever heard! It shocked me and also alarmed everyone else in the store. The blood rushed to my face in embarrassment as I tried to quickly move his stroller to an empty aisle. It didn’t help. He continued screaming and screaming till I thought I was going to go crazy! At that second, the only thing I could do was run for the door and take him outside.
Life is wonderfully stressful as a parent. Little did I know that when my son became a toddler I would experience a whole other level of stress with the highest pitched screams imaginable! Where did this crazy, little monster come from and where’s my calm angel who giggled in my arms six months ago?
After the long day finally came to a close and I had endured several more meltdowns and tantrums from my little one, I put him to bed and sat in a moment of silence asking myself: Where did I go wrong? Am I doing something that’s causing my son to behave this way? Is there something I can do to help him?
My mind was swirling for several minutes with questions and possible solutions, and then I asked God for His help and He showed me the main culprit for my son’s tantrums was sugar. It sounds silly and simple, but after realizing how much sugar my son was taking in through snacks, juice and even too much fruit without other larger amounts of protein and vegetables, I quickly saw the imbalance and why his mood swings were so frequent.
God showed me where my son’s diet was lacking, but He went even further to show me where I was also lacking. I also had become moody and overly negative recently for no apparent reason, and even when I read the Bible there was still an unsettled feeling in my heart. Then, it dawned on me that when I only consume the nice “sugary” blessings of God and of the Bible without reading all the other deeper, convicting passages of truth in His Word, then I will always be out of balance spiritually, emotionally, mentally, relationally and physically. I will never know what it is to have a fully balanced existence in Christ. I can’t live on just sugar; I have to dig deeper by asking the tough questions of faith and spending more time knowing Him.
My stomach felt hollow and my thoughts froze as I realized how frequently I came to God for “sugar” fixes instead of wholesome meals that require more time with Him. I wanted God to give me quick tips and a sudden boost of energy just for that day instead of sitting in His presence to hear His voice and receive the sustaining power of His Spirit.
I remember what Jesus said to His disciples, “It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth” (Matt.4:4 MSG).
If Jesus, the Son of God who is perfect in every way, understood how important it was to have a balanced diet—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually—then why do I think I can have a world-changing spiritual life without the same formula as Christ? Even children need more than sugar to grow healthy and strong, so we also need more than a “sugar faith” that makes us temporarily feel good if we truly want to grow stronger and more mature to endure times of testing, persecution, criticism and trials.
Psalm 91:1 says, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Where do I find rest? Do I keep going to other “substitutes” for my energy and will power only to realize that they will quickly burn out before my day is done?
Just as my son has already shown great improvement with his behavior today due to a healthier diet, so I also want to improve my emotional and spiritual steadfastness with a more balanced, spiritually healthy lifestyle that involves Jesus not as my “quick fix” but as my first One to sit with and listen to on a daily basis.
“Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food. Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life. I will make an everlasting covenant with you. I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David” (Isaiah 55:2, 3 NLT).
Sugar faith doesn’t last; after a while it will only make you sick, disillusioned and confused. Find true spiritual substance by going deeper and reading all of God’s Word. He will reveal the truths you need to know for today and for all your tomorrows.