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I was at the office yesterday and was getting extremely frustrated with a new design program that I was trying to use, but continued to crash. After several attempts to restart the program, I gave up and called my IT guy in the office. He took a look at my laptop and said, "When was the last time you updated the software on your computer?"

I said, "Um, I don't think I've updated the software since I got it six years ago."

He laughed and said, "Well, that's the problem. The old software isn't capable of running these new, more sophisticated programs at their top speed."

My IT guy kindly helped me copy all my files onto an external hard drive and rebooted my computer to update all the software and programs. After several hours, my laptop was running like new and I couldn't believe how much more efficiently it worked and none of the new programs crashed.

Living in a digital age filled with tech gadgets and computers, it's quite common to receive software requests on a regular basis for our many tech products and, if you're like me, I usually ignore the warnings to update my software because I think that I don't have time. But, if I don't update the software, eventually my tech gadgets crash.

As I was typing on my computer this morning that was running much more efficiently, I was hit with the question: How often do I update and reboot my spiritual programming? Do I take the time to honestly analyze my spiritual health and even take a few hours to allow my Maker to reboot my personal software?

I had many other tasks to complete this morning, but instead, I decided to sit on my couch to bask in the sunlight spilling through my windows and to spend time with my Maker. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I felt Him smiling over me saying, "My child, I'm so glad you are spending time with Me. I can recharge your soul and equip you for the tasks ahead more than anything else can."

He took me to Psalm 91, which says, "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him" (Psalm 91:1-2 NLT).

Do you need a reboot today? Are there things weighing on your soul, slowing you down and hindering you from living at your highest capacity? Take time today to recharge and reboot your soul. You will find that your Maker knows your programming better than you think, and He will give you the strength to face whatever will come today.

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