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Juliet Peel - April Modern Female of the Month

The longer I live on this earth the more I realize how amazingly resilient, courageous and talented God has made women to be! Each month I feature a woman who is making an impact in her "little corner" of the world, and this month I decided to feature Juliet Peel, the founder of Juliet Peel Photography, because she has a unique story of overcoming difficult circumstances in her life while embracing the artistic talents within her soul that have brought healing and hope to her own heart and the hearts of others. I hope you are greatly encouraged by her story.

My interview with Juliet:

1. What or who inspired you to pursue the role or professional career that you now have?

My mother was a hobbyist photographer. She would shoot rolls and rolls of film and put the photos into photo albums. Thanks to her, we have a photo album for every year of her life. When she passed away 6 years ago, I realized what a marvelous gift it was to have these memories of our lives together. Photography is a very noble profession. I also have been very inspired by magazines and photographers like Annie Leibovitz and Sue Bryce. My Fiance Freddy has also been very encouraging to me to express myself through an art form. Photography has been a perfect marriage of all these things for me.

2. What challenges did you face in pursuing your goals?

Learning technical skills to match my enthusiasm. I had been a middle school teacher for years before, so it was a challenge to go from an employee mindset where things sort of take care of themselves to a business owner mindset where everything depends on your initiative. Self-doubt was a big challenge, too. Trying to not compare myself to others.

3. What important lessons have you learned along your journey?

Three important lessons:

  • Don't compare, just improve because you enjoy it.

  • Let everything make you better, not bitter--know when to rest or have a mental health day.

  • Follow up and think long-term--build relationships constantly.

4. What are your future goals and why?

  • Continue to photograph people and continually improve

  • Create art/photography experiences for positive change.

  • Get married to my fiance Freddy have children and have a home with a big backyard full of jasmine and fruit trees, rose bushes and bougainvillea.

5. If you could give one piece of advice to other women, what would it be?

Don't let other people decide your value. You decide your value. There will always be critics. Be receptive to constructive advice, but always trust your gut. Go above and beyond for people. Be good to them. Give from the heart. You can never go wrong if you do this. Being a good person is completely free and priceless!

*Learn more about Juliet Peel Photography and her amazing story at

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