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Jaime Dela Rosa - March Modern Female of the Month

The longer I live the more I am inspired and amazed by the creativity, ingenuity and talent of women. I am blown away by how God made women so multi-faceted with the extraordinary gifts and drive to achieve the impossible, whether it's in an office, home or on the back side of the desert building clean water wells. WOMEN ARE AMAZING!!!

So, as you know each month I highlight one specific woman whom I believe is somehow making an impact in her corner of the world. This month I chose to interview my sweet friend Jaime Dela Rosa. I became friends with Jaime at our church in Hollywood a few years ago and have had the glorious privilege of seeing her life blossom and expand in ways I (and I think she) never imagined.

Here is my interview with Jaime:

1. What or who inspired you to pursue the role or professional career that you now have?

I have loved many forms of art, for as long as I can remember, largely because of my mom. She has always, inspired me, taught me and challenged me in many ways… especially in creativity. Growing up we were always exploring new arts, crafting, and learning together. When she saw the things that I was passionate about in the world, and the gifts and creativity that God had given me in my art, she encouraged me to pursue those things that allowed me to make an impact through my talents. She lead in ways that helped me to rely on God and trust His direction, even when it doesn’t make sense. She set example after example in how to step out in faith… like when she quit her safe, high paying job as a nurse manager and moved to South Africa to serve as a full time missionary (and has been there for almost 10 years!). She also showed me how to work hard and never give up on the things that are of God, knowing that He’ll make a way where there seems to be no way.

2. What challenges did you face in pursuing your goals?

I struggle a bit with perfectionism and am learning how to release that and cherish grace.

When I first started my company (Simply Rooted Calligraphy) I realized that perfectionism was something I dealt with in my art and had to work through. Now when I teach calligraphy workshops, I make it a priority to share my story of overcoming that struggle and encouraging others to walk in freedom.

I also see the perfectionism monster popping up in other areas of my business… Things like wanting to have all the systems in place before I can start something, or needing to have everything organized before I can really focus. I’m continually catching myself in this, realizing that I need to find balance because it’s holding me back. It takes a lot of intention and surrendering to the Holy Spirit to see what is happening and trust that I don’t need to be or do it all perfectly all the time.

3. What lessons have you learned along your journey?

It’s hard work to chase after the call and purpose that God has… but it is so worth it. I think one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is how important it is to not do it alone, but to find others who are like minded and walk the journey with them. Having friends to talk to about the heart matters struggles, and who understand and see the bigger picture - those relationships bring unity, strength, and encouragement. Relationships like that bring clarity! When I carve out time for these friendships I find I’m and so energized and excited to get back work.

4. What are your future goals and why?

I have so many small tactile goals, but I always try to filter them through the big picture goal… To use my art to tell the story of women around the world and make an impact in their lives. To bring hope and rescue to those in situations like human trafficking, and support organizations who are on the front lines fighting for them.

It’s always a journey to figure out what that looks like in each season, but God has put her on my heart and I cannot lose sight of that. A friend once said that she thinks the treasures we build up in heaven are the souls we impact here on earth… This is my end goal, for the women whose stories I tell to be treasures in heaven.

5. If you could give one piece of advice to other women, what would it be?

Give yourself grace. I love the reference to the early church in the book of Acts where they say “For if a plan or undertaking originates with men, it will fade away and come to nothing. But if this movement is of God, you won’t be able to stop it.” (v. 5:38-39). That is also true in our lives. God has placed a purpose on us and He will bring it to fruition. There will be really high highs and really low lows (especially as a creative business owner), but that is part of the journey and keeping the right perspective while being full of grace and faith. Just as the apostles left rejoicing and thrilled that God had considered them worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus, that is the culture and perspective I yearn for.

Learn more about Jaime's background and business Simply Rooted on her website and follow her gorgeous designs and journey on her social media channels:

Simply Rooted

Facebook: @simplyrooted

Pinterest: @simply_rooted

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