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You Have a Voice

I walked into a bookstore yesterday and was hit with the same resonating questions I hear in my head every time I see a stack of books: Why should I write a book when there are millions of books already collecting dust on bookshelves? How does my story and the whimsical thoughts of my mind differ from those that have already been written and published?

As a writer, this is a constant battle I fight in my mind. Every day I sit and write for at least an hour while my toddler takes a nap hoping somehow my stories will resonate with someone, that some lonely, aching soul in this great big world will find healing, hope and reprieve in the words that I scribe. That is my desire that no one sees or hears behind the woman who wears numerous hats as a wife, mother, PR rep, social media marketer, blogger, singer, etc. No one sees those dark moments of despair or those exhilarating smiles of joy and tears when a character in my story embraces her dying mother one last time or befriends a mortal enemy. No one sees the pain of the soul that pours into each chapter and haunts me at night as I lay awake on my bed pondering the struggles of the characters created by my pen.

I wonder if all the sweat, tears and toil will be for nothing, but then again, I would never know what could happen until I tried. That is why I do it. That is why I use every available second to write one more word, one more sentence and one more chapter because somehow somewhere I believe someone will be listening---listening for a voice to tell them what they truly want to hear. To know that they too have a voice to be heard.

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