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Reyna Elizabeth: The Modern Female of the Month

I had the wonderful privilege of meeting Reyna Elizabeth several years ago when we were attending the same church in Los Angeles. Though I did not know much of her past or her story, her beaming smile and encouraging attitude was contagious.

Since then, Reyna has gotten married, started her own fashion line and had a baby! She is one busy lady! I decided to feature Reyna as the Modern Female of the month for November because she inspires countless women to never give up on their dreams and never let the hurts or discouragements of the past decide who you will become in the future.

Here's the "digital" interview I recently had with Reyna, who was at home taking care of her newborn baby girl.

What aspect of your childhood/life inspired you to start your business?

Reyna: My greatest inspiration came from being adopted and not knowing my biological family. I was born in Mexico and crossed into the U.S. with my family when I was very young. I experienced extreme hardships as a child, but in 2011 I made a decision to begin a process of recovery and self-discovery that changed my life forever. I overcame my past and I am now enjoying my new life of freedom.

Struggling with identity issues and a broken past has inspired me to encourage others that have walked through a similar past. God frees us so we can help others. Going to fashion school and being in recovery motivated me to start my online boutique in 2015, and to have a brand that was unique reminding people that they too can have a life of faith, love, healing and freedom.

What struggles have you encountered in starting your own business?

Reyna: Identity issues! Comparing my line to others and trying to be like others. I've struggled with perfectionism and never being happy with my logo or branding because it wasn't the way I envisioned it---perfect. I spent eight years trying to make it perfect and wasted a lot of valuable time. I don't really know what perfect looks like to be honest.

Where do you see your business going in the future? What are your goals?

Reyna: Well, I just had a baby girl and I'm actually inspired to create a line for her so that when she grows up she has something that will motivate her and she can work towards. I don't want her to have to worry about the start up process in a business. I want her to just focus on creating new art (fashion). I want her to be free to create without limits or whatever her heart desires. She can always sell her brand if she desires to pursue something else.

I also desire to continue pursuing life coaching to help other women in recovery and women wanting to walk in their purpose. I have a creative community that I started last year and I want to host creative workshops next year. Maybe sometime in the future I will write my first book God willing. Can you tell I am a dreamer and a doer?!?

We are proud to feature Reyna Elizabeth as The Modern Female of the Month for the great ways that she has overcome obstacles and is making a positive impact in the lives of others with her own story, her business and her creative passions. Bravo Reyna!

**If you or someone you know is making a positive impact in their sphere of influence, we would love to feature them as a Modern Female of the Month! Contact us today for submission details. CLICK HERE

Shop Reyna Elizabeth's Boutique online today! Here are a few of our top picks from her line. (

Feather Gold-Filled Necklace

Be Still Framed Artwork

Gold Tribal Long Earrings

Go to for more of her fashion line!

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