A Fragrant Gift
Over the years I have received many wonderful gifts from people in my life and have been encouraged by their kindness and generosity, but one of the most simple, unforgettable gifts came from an elderly woman named Dorothea. She attended my church and was like an adopted grandma to me and my two older brothers. She would make us homemade chicken noodle soup, mouth-watering peanut butter cookies and let us run around her farm throwing rotten tomatoes at each other in the summer. She was a woman of few words, but many smiles.
One day when I was eight-years-old, I went with my mom over to her farmhouse to check on the large vegetable garden that she had kindly let us plant in her field by the house. It was fascinating to learn about gardening and to gain a greater appreciation for the vegetables that I didn't really care for as a child.
On that particular day we decided to knock on Dorothea's front porch door and make sure she was okay. My mother knocked several times and we didn't hear anyone. Dorothea's old car was parked by the garage. We waited for a few more minutes and then my mother led me around the side of the house. We walked past the blueberry bushes and towards the large, purple lilac bushes that were rustling.
Dorothea popped her spectacled eyes from behind the lilac bush and scared my mother half-to-death when she said, "Hello ladies!"
I giggled with glee seeing my mother so surprised and Dorothea laughed, too. She slowly made her way out of the bushes and handed me a large bouquet of purple and white lilacs, saying, "These are for you, my dear. There is nothing that smells better than fresh-cut lilacs. They are just a small taste of heaven on earth."
A smile broadened across my face as my eyes glowed with joy, "Thank you so much!"
My mother and I each took turns hugging Dorothea and walked with her back to the house.
Though she was poor and had little to show for her ninety years of toil on this earth as a farmer, Dorothea was rich beyond compare for she understood the power of generosity and kindness. I know I will see her again one day in heaven and I cannot wait to hand her another bouquet of fresh lilacs, but till then I hope that I will take the time to smell the flowers around me and extend a fragrant gift of kindness to whomever I encounter.