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Sometimes, Less is More

We live in a world where consumerism is king. Just scroll through social media feeds and at least 80% of the posts revolve around some type of material object, vacation or entertainment. Human beings are obsessed with pleasure and stuff!

I used to be one of the leaders of that "consumerism pack", but due to some new work projects, my family has been traveling to various cities for the past year. Though it has been quite difficult at times to not be in our own beds and living out of suitcases, it has actually been the most amazing, eye-opening experience of our lives! We have discovered that we can live with much less stuff than we realize.

Before my husband and I went on the road to pursue our dreams, I purged several bags of clothes out of my closet. But after traveling for a year in a small suitcase, I now want to go back through all of our things and purge at least half of it and give it to others who need it more than me.

The picture of the Nixon watch and small, gold stud earrings reminds me that it is actually healthy to minimize what we wear, consume or want at times. My husband gave this watch to me as a Christmas gift one year and, though it was the only gift I received from him that year, it was actually more than I could have hoped for.

There will be seasons of blessings in our lives, but there will also be difficult seasons where we feel like we

are being stripped of many comforts or familiar surroundings. Yet, it is in those seasons of minimization that we find our true creativity and resourcefulness that we never tapped into before.

So, what do you need to purge today or give away to someone else? What special gift are you overlooking in this time of minimization?

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